Hugo Themes
personal blog&project theme
Hugo blog theme
This is a hugo static blog engine theme, if you like ๐ ๐ this theme,please give me star๐๐ ~_~
- โ๏ธ Blog ๏ธ
- ๐ฉ ModernใResponsive
- ๐ พ๏ธ Syntax highlight
- Emoji ๐ ,Disqus ๐
- ๐ ๐ ๐ Post thumbnail images
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
cd themes
git clone
Modify your configuration:
baseurl = "site url"
title = "Site Name"
languageCode = "site language code"
copyright = "Copyright right infomation."
themesdir = "themes"
theme = "hugo_eiio"
MetaDataFormat = "toml"
pygmentsuseclasses = true
disqusShortname = "user id"
googleAnalytics='google analytics code'
hasCJKLanguage = true
preserveTaxonomyNames = false
disablePathToLower =false
enableEmoji = true
enableInlineShortcodes = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
summaryLength = 250 # default 70
hljsStyle="github" #code highlightjs css style . See [Style List]( "CSS Style list")
showNextAndPrePost = false #Is Show Next and Previous Post Button
description = "site description"
keywords = "site keywords use seo"
googleSiteVerification = "google site verification key"
author = "your name"
github ="github username"
email="your email"
twitter="your twitter name"
securityPolicy = false #disable https content security policy
footerRight="Your tips content" #footer right content
mainSections = ['page']
changefreq = "monthly"
priority = 0.5
filename = "sitemap.xml"
Use post’s thumbnail
Home thumbnail of post:
if you need in home page list display thumbnail of post,write head of post keywords,see below code๐:
title = "Post Title"
categories = ["Categories"]
tags = ["tags"]
date = "write datetime"
draft = false
header_images="post home list thumbnail"
Content thumbnail of post:
if you need in post content to display different thumbnail,see below code ๐
{{< figure class="floatright|floatleft" src="your image path" alt="" >}}
This theme is released under the MIT License.