Hugo Themes
Yinyang theme for Hugo.
- Author: Joway Wang
- Minimum Hugo Version: 0.50
- GitHub Stars: 407
- Updated: 2022-04-28
- License: MIT
- Tags: Blog Minimal Personal Responsive
YinYang is a black-white theme for Hugo.
- minimalist
- multi-language support
- disqus support
- SEO Optimization
From the root of your site:
git clone themes/yinyang
Change config.toml
theme = "yinyang"
Head Title
headTitle = "Joway Wang"
If there is no headTitle
in params, use
Main section
Set your main section:
mainSections = ["posts"]
contentDir = "content/en"
languageName = "English"
weight = 1
contentDir = "content/cn"
languageName = "Chinese"
weight = 2
Then your posts files should be put into content/en
or content/cn
name = "About Me"
link = ""
name = "Github"
link = ""
Extra Head
extraHead = '<script src="xxxx.js"></script>'
Extra CSS files
extraCSSFiles = ["css/foo.css", "css/bar.css"]
Twitter Cards
Add the following setting:
twitterCards = true
In a post’s front matter, include a keyword images
with a value of a list of
URLs of images that will be used for Twitter Cards.
Insert content on every post
postHeaderContent = ""
postFooterContent = "<br/><br/><p>Subscribe:<a target='_blank' href=''>Joway's Blog</a></p>"
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Joway's Blog"
theme = "yinyang"
DefaultContentLanguage = "cn"
unsafe = true
guessSyntax = true
noClasses = true
style = "bw"
tabWidth = 2
name = "Joway"
homepage = ""
contentDir = "content/en"
languageName = "English"
weight = 1
contentDir = "content/cn"
languageName = "Chinese"
weight = 2
mainSections = ["posts"]
headTitle = "Joway Wang"
disqus = "joway" # disqus account name
extraHead = '<script async src=""></script>'
name = "About Me"
link = ""
name = "Github"
link = ""
postHeaderContent = ""
postFooterContent = "<br/><br/><p>Subscribe to:<a target='_blank' href=''>Joway's Blog</a></p>"
# extraCSSFiles = ["css/foo.css", "css/bar.css"]
extraCSSFiles = []