Hugo Themes
Gallery Deluxe
Fast gallery suitable for lots of images.
- Author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen
- Minimum Hugo Version: 0.90.0
- GitHub Stars: 69
- Updated: 2023-06-07
- License: MIT
- Tags: Gallery Responsive
Note: See this Gallery Deluxe Starter for a fast route to get this up and running.
A Hugo Module to show a photo gallery. It’s very fast/effective, especially if you have lots of images on display.
This theme is what you see on which, at the time of writing this, scores 100 at Google PageSpeed for both mobile and desktop.
The recommended way to add this to your site is to include it as a Hugo Module. See Gallery Deluxe Starter for a starter template. Another example is
# Shuffle the images in the gallery to give the impression of a new gallery each time.
shuffle = false
# Reverse the order of the images in the gallery.
reverse = false
# Enable Exif data in the gallery.
# See for how to filter tags.
enable_exif = false
Credit to Dan Schlosser for the Pig JS library.